Johnathan says Nicole changed him in ways she will never know. He says she is the absolute light of her life. And if you met them you would agree they are a perfect match.
Nicole is from Syria. Johnathan is from America. These self-confessed geeks were coming to Phuket for a computer conference. They are volunteers at this event every year and are close friends with many of the organisers and attendees. So they decided since many of their loved ones were together in a beautiful place like Phuket that it would be an excellent idea to get married. Impiana Private Villas in Kata Noi was the wedding venue.
The week was hectic as they volunteered and worked long hours at the event. So they combined the hens and stag party and we designed a surprise alien & galaxy theme at Bliss Beach Club for them. (I’ll post some photos from that later.)
Wedding days are naturally emotional but this one perhaps more than most. Nicole’s brother escaped Syria and we live-streamed the wedding ceremony for him to watch from the refuge camp in Germany where he lives for now. Everyone, especially Nicole, were very sad that he couldn’t be there as well as other family members but having him online throughout the day so they could talk was as close as we could get to him actually being there.
Nicole walked down the aisle with her teacher, mentor and best friend Mohammad. He is deeply respected by the students and often there would be a long line of students waiting to speak to him. Due to his wheelchair it was a slow approach to the alter, but really Johnathan needed the time to compose himself.
Nicole & Johnathan are a fun-loving couple. As soon as Nicole saw the honeymoon suite where she was getting ready she was jumping for joy and screaming at how awesome the private villa was. Even though she wasn’t meant to see Johnathan before the wedding she called him straight over and they dived into the pool for a last make-out session before the wedding – love birds.
The ceremony was colourful – as expected since Nicole has blue and purple hair. We made the wedding theme with the starting point of her hair colour. Blue dyed orchids and white roses and hanging shells decorated the lawn overlooking the ocean.
Later everyone moved to REKATA for the reception. Amazing food, dancing and speeches & a photo booth completed their dream wedding day. A friend who works for Lego had arranged a custom-made cake topper that looked exactly like Jonathan & Nicole with a collection of Lego figures in different occupations. We sent the chef Lego figure to the kitchen for the REKATA chef & I think it brightened his day.
I could go on and on about these fabulous people, their amazing Phuket wedding and the times we had but instead see the photos below ~ photography by Jaran.